Deal Hunter
Program 2024


The Right Time For Your Brand Growth Is Now

After years of being on conservative mode, 2023 sees investors in the region emerging to engage in new ventures.

We have all been part of the global disruptions of the post-pandemic era, as well as the overall upheavals in the political and economic scene. Whilst most have adopted the wait-and-see approach, those who have forged ahead are enjoying success as they expand into very hungry and ready markets in anticipation of new brands.

Singapore brands are well accepted in the region, and countless brands, with the help of our very experienced franchise growth experts, have found suitable matches through our Deal Hunter Programs in the region.

Discover The Right Strategy
To Grow Your Franchise Business in 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Deal Hunter Program?

Deal Hunter Programs are offline events where you, franchisors, can meet many qualified franchisee prospects and find the perfect franchisee partner for your expansion plan.

In 2023, we successfully completed the Deal Hunter Program in three countries in Southeast Asia: twice in Singapore, the Philippines, and Indonesia.

Leveraging Franchise as a
strategy to grow your business

Franchising is a very attractive way to grow without bearing the full risk involved with brand expansion. If you would like to grow your business via franchising but have not explored this option and would lie to find out more, enquire now to find out if franchising is the right avenue of growth!