Capture your Business Set Up Processes

in only 4-weeks to replicate your
business’s best practices anytime!

Find out how to create a well-documented Business Unit Set Up SOP so you can consistently and reliably replicate your stores as you grow.

The solution: Create a solid Standard Operating Procedures for your Business Unit Set up

Standard operating procedures (SOPs) are step-by-step instructions that act as guidelines for setting up business units, documenting important areas and key success factors to serve as a guide to set up new business units

Benefits of Well documented SOPs

When SOPs are complete, clearly written, and well documented, your team is better able to produce consistent products and service delivery as well as increase business productivity.

A robust SOP Documentation is core to Quality Operations Management.

Well-documented SOPs can give you:

RSmooth implementation for branches, especially new ones
RAn easier way to monitor targets and develop audit plans
RControl over the quality and consistency of your product
RProtection from potential intellectual property loss
RSavings on training costs
When you manage all the daily operations of your business, less immediate but important tasks like SOP documentation get set aside. Even knowing where to start is a challenge.

We hear you,
we’re here to help!

Astreem has worked with hundreds of businesses across various industries such as Food & Beverage, Fitness & Wellness, Education, and Management Services, to deliver well documented SOPs that cover how different business units operate, how various roles in individual departments function and how the business units should be managed.

Complete the 4-week DIY Basic
Business Unit Set Up – SOP Documentation Challenge

A typical SOP Documentation timeline lasts for 6 months but in this challenge, we’ll give you templates that will help you complete 3x faster!

When you sign up, you will receive a weekly prompt, for 4-weeks, that will guide you through creating each building block of the Basic Business Unit Set Up SOP.

Your 4-Week Challenge at glance:

Week 1: SOP Introduction
  • Develop your SOP Table of Contents
  • Introduction to your business
    • a. Philosophy
    • b. Who is the SOP for?
Week 2: Setting up the Business Unit (Part 1)
  • Renovation Guidelines (Location criteria, brand elements, décor, colors, areas, equipment)
Week 3: Setting up the Business Unit (Part 2)
  • Licenses
  • Supply Chain
Week 4: Business Key Roles
  • Key roles that make your business successful
    1. Organisation Chart
    2. Prerequisites
    3. Different roles by department
    4. Job Descriptions

In only one month, after you have filled out the template with how you set up your operations and the different roles in your business, you should have the framework developed for a basic SOP to set up your business units.

You can decide how detailed or high level your SOPs should be. You can begin with this basic framework, then diving deeper at a later stage.

You can add advanced modules to include:

ROperations Process Documentation
RCustomer Engagement and
RMonitoring of Performance Targets and Audits
Supported by
Certified by

You have the support of certified consultants to
complete the 4-Week SOP Challenge

You, as the business owner, is the only one capable of creating the SOP because you know your business processes like the back of your hand.

Don’t miss the opportunity to document your SOP now!

Sign up to 4-Week SOP Challenge